Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lets welcome in the New Year 2012!

2012 New Years Fireworks taken at Blues Point Reserve, Sydney

As I look back on 2011, I look back the achievements and moments that have been special and made 2011 such a great year to reminisce. Such achievements include obtaining my first full-time job in April. Even though its not what I originally wanted, its still a stepping stone to my career with the benefits of a friendly team and environment.

One special moment is my trip to Guangzhou and Hong Kong in late November and early December. After 5 years, I finally returned to see my mother's family. Much things have changed in Guangzhou since I last remembered. I can see why China is the fastest growing country in the world. The country keeps changing every year with work site constructions seen everywhere, gigantic shopping centres esp in Hong Kong and an efficient public transport system. After going to China, it has heightened my urge to travel around the world. I'm planning to go back to Hong Kong, Guangzhou in December-January and also want to visit Japan.  

Photo taken at Sky Plaza Hotel in Guangzhou, China

I don't really make New Years Resolutions every year, but as I'm older I understand why people do. So here are my resolutions for 2012.
  1. Be successful in my career i.e. salary raise and promotion
  2. Travel to China and Japan 
  3. Save over $10k for future mortgage
  4. Find love
  5. Be wiser and mature
  6. Sign up to a gym and go regularly 
  7. Make new friends
  8. Be nicer to my family 
  9. Start the CA program
  10. Stop being lazy (that's a difficult one)
Good luck to me!

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