Saturday, November 19, 2011

Olympus xz-1

Finally purchased the Olympus xz-1!! Well actually, there were problems with the first one I they gave me, so I had to return that one and swap it for a new one. Unfortunately, they only had the display one left and they weren't sure when they would receive their next shipment *very annoyed. Never buying anything from that shop again.

The picture quality is excellent! Loving the art options, super macro focus, SLR quality photos and the list goes on. Not loving the lens cap though, wish it was automated and it's not really small for a compact camera, but hey, I'm not complaining.

Cannot wait to use this camera when I go overseas next week. I haven't been overseas for 5 years....ahhhh so excited, plus I need a holiday.

Here are some photos I've taken with the Olympus...

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